Tonight I think on friendship. In the past year waxing and waning have occurred where I've been left with forgotten friends and newly discovered ones. I realize that life changes and moves, we grow and unlike plants we don't always stay put. We will come across new friends and old friends sometimes disappear like dollars in the hands of youth.
Friends come in many forms. Some are "sheltering trees", some are steady perennials, and some are blooming annuals.
Annuals are beautiful flowers. What shocks me about annuals is this: People spend lots of money decorating their yard with them! I feel we sometimes do this with people. We will surround ourselves with people the world will see as successful, beautiful, or simply "charming". The truth of the matter is that annuals die at the end of the season. They cannot withstand harsh changes in climate. They fade away. They don't regrow. These friendships can bring us joy for a short time, but when the season is up, or things change they are left to be mulch for future friends.
Perennials are not quite as attractive, they tend to be less flashy and more hardy. I am a big fan of planting perennials. They bring joy for short bursts, but over the years they continue to bring you joy. However, perennials do hibernate during harsh conditions. You could say they are fair weather friends. They are always there when the it is time to enjoy life, but are gone during times when you might need them the most to brighten your day.
Then there are trees. It takes a lot to uproot a tree. Samuel Taylor Coleridge once said "Friendship is a sheltering tree." I think this is the way friendship was meant to be. Long lasting friends will not easily be uprooted. In the happy times they will sometimes flower to celebrate your joy, but in your darkest times they too mourn to the point of shedding leaves.I find that there are people whom I can trust to be there despite the season, and time and time again seem unmovable from my life. These people provide shade from the harmful things of the world. Sometimes we may wander in the sun and the sun (much like the world) will burn us but the large oak will still be there waiting for your return.
There will be many trees on my campus that I will miss. There are some plants that hardly deserve my passing glance. Then there flowers who as much joy as they bring, fade with the passing of the seasons.
I shall miss my trees.