Quite frankly, I missed this "glorious event" for several reasons. The largest reason? I simply didn't care, thus I didn't look up times to watch it. The Prince getting married is the least of my concerns. I'd hate to have everyone in the world watching my wedding, personally.
As I escaped the oppressive clutches of our overly anal professor for the semester, the comment was made that I should be okay with myself before I can expect anyone to also do so.
The truth of the matter is, while I like myself and the qualities I posses, others don't. This often leaves me baffled and depressed as I feel I have a lot to give to people and a lot I wish to give to people. I have yet to figure it out. Perhaps I fail to take initiative? I don't want to seem overly needy. I must admit, people make me nervous, they always have. Things would be better if they actually spoke their minds from time to time...
Overall I'd say I have a certain level of intelligence, I am attractive enough, and though I like a fair amount of time to myself I do enjoy good company. (Perhaps that is it.... only certain people are good company.) The worst thing I find about social situations is often I find myself out of the loop. I don't pick up on modern references to celebrities, singers, events etc. While this inadequacy is bothersome, the idea of wasting my time remembering such things fails to appeal to me. My dislike of "in" things may stem from this discomfort of not being in with the times. I hate the expectations of what is cool. Prime example: The Beetles. I'm not going to deny their place in musical history, I just never found their music appealing. This is quite the crime in many social circles as the Beetles have the set "great music" status. (They are okay...but I'd rather listen to something else most of the time.)
Maybe I just have an overwhelming desire to be individualistic, but I also long for companionship. These conflicting goals have given me a great deal of grief as I try to make friends with people. Making friends--- what a necessary and challenging task!
I'm cool in my little world.
One of the qualities I like best about myself is the ability to see potential in things. (Under my depressing shell I have a great deal of optimism.) Today as I was gathering my garbage I realized the stems I had cut off the end of the daisies I bought several weeks ago were dry and would be perfect to act as braces for my beautifully growing bean plants. I am resourceful. I don't think like other people (which sometimes is a pain in the ass when I wish to explain something--it's like translating languages where all the words in your language don't exist in theirs). This enables me to see things from a different angle, often resulting in odd suggestions.
Current things bringing me joy:
- My bean plants and their new, quite gorgeous leaves (such elegant shapes!) I've actually thought of growing them through the winters as well as I find the plant to be quite pleasing to my eye.
- My Hypoestes who have spent a year with me now. (Now with larger and more vibrant leaves!)
- The threat of slightly warmer weather.
- Weird Al's song "Whatever You Like" <----- check it out!
- MG's awesome mustache. I hope he never gets rid of it. Though he's still cool in my book without it.
- Upcoming Cinco de Mayo
- Finals being over by Wednesday (I could scream for joy off of roof tops about this)
- Avoiding my credit cards like the plague (can I make it to the 10th? Unlikely, since I'll need toilet paper)
- Sunshine! (God knows I love rain, but a break in it is super nice)
- My sister's future husband potentially landing a job
- The level of cuteness that my nephew at such a young age has obtained.
- The quirkiness that is the musician James Blunt
- Hearing from my Tulsa girlfriend
- Getting to see an old friend and his wife soon
- The guitar playing of my dearest wolf
(That might be enough for now)
Have a kickin' weekend.