When I got to college I learned to love iced tea. I have yet to turn back yet. Iced tea must always be cold and unsweetened for me. For some time I explored adding sugar to my iced tea, but the two never hit it off with me. Twinings English Afternoon Tea is likely the best iced tea I've had the pleasure to enjoy. It complements Merlot wine quite nicely when a wine break is a must. Occasionally I use Ahmad's Strawberry Black Tea for iced tea, with less then stellar results. Sugar may help.
It would take a foreign boyfriend to turn me onto hot tea. The Ukrainian introduced me to Ahmad's No. 1. While he prepared most of his tea from whole leaves in a beautifully painted kettle, he started me off with bagged tea to try on my own. Shortly after I turned to fruit infused black teas, and still enjoy a cup of a decent Raspberry Black Tea. The next step was discovering chai tea <3 . Chai, will likely always remain one of my favorites, though Earl Grey will remain in my heart still. I have recently come across Zhena's Gypsy Tea Firelight Chai Organic Tea, which has quickly become one of my new favorites. Over the course of my expeditions for a perfect cup of tea, I have dabbled in red teas, which I have found to be quite to my liking (I may even like them more than black teas! The horror! ), but there is more dabbling to do. However, red teas are harder to find. :-( Within the past year I met yet another advanced tea drinker, MG who has tried to introduce me sneakily to green tea. There is still a long road to explore the greens and decide if I like them. Lastly, I have yet to explore many herbal teas outside peppermint (usually mixed with a green such as Yogi's Green Tea Mint Garden ) and the worst tea I have ever sipped in my short wonderful life: anything Celestial. Super Ick!
Learning to prepare my tea has been a challenge of its own. I have gradually learned that stopping the kettle before the kettle whistles produces the best tea. Another lesson was reducing the steeping time of my tea bags for tea that was less bitter and tastier. Furthermore, I almost always prefer my hot tea with sugar. After having tea served to me with milk, I have begun small experiments to perfect this technique as well. Each little lesson I have learned has only increased my thirst for better tea, and soon I feel I'll be a tea snob. Ha!
In my little journey, my next endeavor will be the pursuit of obtaining a beautiful tea kettle infuser. I feel prepared to take the next step-- moving from bags to loose leaf. It is indeed a large step! The world of tea is complex and large (or at least larger than you strictly coffee drinkers realize).
MG made me the most perfect cup of Twinings Irish Breakfast Tea I have ever sipped several days ago. I loved him for it.
Hopefully one day I shall perfect this craft.
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