I have gotten in a bad habit of late: buying plants when I'm feeling blue. I tell myself it is harmless....for I could be buying kittens!
The funny thing about the whole ordeal is how I am both selective in picking out a plant and incredibly spontaneous at the same time. I will see the plants, spot one I like and convince myself that it deserves a home where it can get "real" light basking in the stuff provided through my eastern balcony window. Luckily I only buy one at a time. I pick one, among many to be the object of my affections. The only way for the plant to escape my love is to die. Only one has so far. I think I'm doing pretty good. I try to talk nice to them. I think it helps and makes people believe I'm a little crazy.
In the attempt to spoil my plants I purchased a spray bottle to mist their little (and large) tropical leaves. For my birthday I think I'll spoil them with new pots (some of them need new pots) and fertilizer. How could they not love me?
The flowering stage of my daffodil's and crocus's are over. They will hopefully bloom again sometime. I might just have to be patient with their boring leaves for a while.
I considered buying myself cut flowers today, since it is Valentine's day and I have not received a lick of attention. However, to buy my own flowers seem desperate and I'd rather spend the 5-15 dollars to buy myself something that will be living for a while and that needs to be rescued from the world of florescent bulbs and to be praised for its beauty. I do love my plants a great deal. I don't know if that makes me crazy or not.
At the end of the day I shall go home, make myself a lovely dinner, speak sweetly to my plants and enjoy a great horror film. Sounds like a peacefully great night.
I hope your St. Valentine's Day is just as good if not better.
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