“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.” ~Jacques Deval

“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.”    ~Jacques Deval

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"You became the light on the dark side of me."

Tonight I am reminded of how small and insignificant we are and how light foils darkness.

We watched "Contact". The movie reminds me of how small we are compared to the universe, how people need one another, and how science and faith intertwine. In all respects I really enjoy both science and faith-- they intertwine so beautifully in my mind. It is hard to see how people see them incompatible. I am trying to get back to my faith roots. The road has been long after so much hurt in my life. The other day I was reminded of one of the "E" prophets whom had such a miserable life...yet he knew God had not given him the best lot...but he still followed. Reminds me how reading the bible more frequently is useful in many respects. Though I praise God he's given me a mind to remember these things.

Though the universe is vast and I am a single short individual on such a small insignificant planet...I am significant. I suppose I could be vain or arrogant in this claim however, I was purchased through the death of Jesus Christ. Yet as Christ lives so do I. Sometimes I believe that no one really cares, but in fact I am steady as the background radiation in the radio sky. Anyone who does read this who doesn't understand a little radio astronomy I am sorry.

After looking at the stars for a little bit and the beautiful milky way in which I am a piece of...(I am part of a greater and beautiful whole...think on that) I came inside the dark house.
"My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen."
Light from anything in the house illuminates everything it touches. Perhaps this is what judgement day is like. The light from Christ will illuminate everything it touches....I just wonder about shadows.

Illuminating my life offers me no hope. I am wasteful. I am greedy yet controlled. I sin.

I am a fan of the effects of light. And when it comes to Christ...I hope his light bleaches the stains of my transgressions.

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