“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.” ~Jacques Deval

“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.”    ~Jacques Deval

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"I just want someone to say to me no, oh, oh, oh I'll always be there when you wake, yea-ah"

Today I wish to post a youtube video that really fits how I'm feeling:


"All I can say is that my life is pretty plain"

Now to the meat. Today it shall be a list:

  1. I, the Caged Bird, have rediscovered the beauty of silence. There is something soothing about it. I can think and focus. However, it is best spent in great company.
  2. Great conversation, perforated with silence is exquisite. That combined with a great listener is even better. 
  3. It is wonderful to have someone to speak to about things that really bother me-- and then to know they are laughing at me deep inside. It reminds me that I stress out too much about unimportant things.
  4. Going out with the girls is nice. I wish I knew a few more. 
  5. Making new friends is a wonderful new hobby of mine. ^_^
  6. It is great to be reading more frequently. I am currently in the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" which you can find on-line here: http://www.online-literature.com/wilde/dorian_gray/ . It is an interesting study thus far about the effects of our actions upon our souls. I strongly suggest it already (but then again I am a big fan of Victorian Literature to begin with). My next endeavor after this novel is to tackle Vanity Fair (the book not the mag.). 
  7. I enjoy playing my ukulele, and I have been trying to get my strumming down...still working on that. Songs I am currently looking into playing are: "No Rain" by Blind Mellon, "Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison, "Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners, and "Wonderwall" by Oasis. Eventually I'll be a pro! (Not likely.)
  8. I sometimes like to place people in two mental boxes that do not usually cross correlate. 
  9. Research should be interesting I hope. The one of 13 papers I have read seemed alright. :-P
  10. Sometimes things are more exciting when they are kept from everyone else. I have greatly enjoyed this pleasure of secret keeping recently. Though this particular instance I speak of is not entirely kept from everyone, it is still exhilarating. 
  11. I deeply desire my running body back. It is embarrassing to get my butt kicked in the gym by females. I will get there in time. In time. 
  12. Overall I am happy, pleased, content, elated, exultant, jubilant, delighted, and vivacious.

Truth be told, I use thesauruses.

I am excited about the holiday season this year, strangely enough. Perhaps it is the beautiful faux tree in my living space.

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