“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.” ~Jacques Deval

“God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.”    ~Jacques Deval

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"One For Each Hour You Didn't Show"

When I was a child, I always looked forward to music class. I wasn't particularly a talented singer or musician but we always did something I enjoyed. It was a chance to get caught in the "art".

On this lazy Saturday afternoon, I remembered one of my favorite activities in music class when I was oh so small. The activity was simple. The music teacher would have us all sit such that we were comfortable. After we were done readying ourselves one of two things would happen. One, she would hand out paper and pencils to us all, or two-- she would have us sit silently with our eyes closed. After this she would give us instructions to listen to the music and visualize. The experience was almost religious in nature, for my young impressionable self.

This afternoon, resting with my eyes covered by my pillows and my ears open I put on classical, then Hem. Instinctively, I re-lived a pleasant part of my childhood. I began to think upon why I always enjoyed that simple exercise. Peace. Doing the activity was like reading a book with every sense but your sight. It was relaxing and in many respects a release from the stresses, ugliness, and sweet sorrow that came with my life. I was able to escape into the melodies of the music.

Granted there were other things I enjoyed about music class-- hand bells, singing "Lean on Me" and playing the tambourine off-beat-off-rhythm. I still enjoy doing these things... I enjoy singing loudly sometimes, and attempting to play my ukulele.

Overall, my desire for depressing music is fueled by this same concept.... the peace. The peace that I am not alone in my struggles, my sorrows, and desires to be loved.

Those who read my blog should really check out Hem if you haven't yet!

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